Compilation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib

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the Book of the Compositions was handed over to Guru Angad
Dev. Please see details in Chapter 4. Similarly, Guru Angad Dev
wrote his own Compositions, and passed on all the Compositions to
his Successor, Guru Amar Das. Guru Amar Das made substantial
contributions toward exposition of the Divine Word, Who added to
the stock of Compositions he had received from Guru Angad Dev,
his own Compsitions, and passed on all of them to his Successor,
Guru Ram Das. Chapter 5 gives in detail the closeness of the
Compositions of Guru Amar Das and Guru Nanak dev, which could
not have been possible had Guru Amar Das not been in possession
of Compsitions of Guru Nanak Dev. Guru Nanak Dev and Amar
Das also made someamplifIcatory remarks on the Composition of
Bhagats, which clearly proved that Compositions of Bhagat were
collected by Guru Nanak Dev. In this way all the Compositions of
the Firsr Four Gurus and the Bhagats reached Guru Arjan Dev.
Guru Arjan Dev in one of his Compositions, given below
expressed his Joy in reading Divine Word of the First Four Gurus
and of the Bhagats, he received. The Guru writes: “I am rich and
fortunate, for I keep the Lord’s Name in my mind. I sing the Lord’s
Praises spontaneously. I. Pause. When I opened the Treasure of
the Wealth of my forebears, my mind was immensely pleased at
the Spiritual Find. (1) The store-house of the Spiritual Wealth is
brimful, beyond measure and inexhaustible. It can neither be
measured with pearls nor rubies. (2) We may get together and
expend this Wealth as much as we like, it never diminishes, but on
the other hand it increases more and more. (3) Nanak says: He,
who has been so Blessed by the Lord, he alone partakes of this
Treasure.” (Rag Gauri, page 185, Sri Guru Granth Sahib). The
readers please note the words used by Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji “When
I opened the Treasure of Wealth of my forebears (khol ditha
khajana)”. He did not state that he searched for and collected the
Treasure of Wealth (eikatha kita) of his forebears. It is the Word of
God revealed through the Gurus. The Gurus should not be imputed
to be irresponsible persons, not to have properly kept and preserved
it. The fallacious stories written by three historians, (1) author of
Gurbilas of 6th Guru (written in 1718 A.D.) after 114 years of the
event, (2) Santokh Singh of Sooraj Parkash (written in 1776 AD)


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