Compilation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib

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which we may meet the Lord. His Light or Soul is also His Word.
We receive God’s Word from the Soul, called Sat Guru (True
Teacher or the Enlightener). Says Guru Amar Das : “Without the
Word, emanating through His Light in all (Soul or Sat Guru), No
one attains to God, and without it one wails in pain.” The Soul or
His Light is in fact His Word, therefore Word is received from the
Soul or Sat Guru. The Sikh Gurus times out of number describe that
there is no difference between Absolute God and His manifestation
through His Word or Shabad or His Light, also called the Sat Guru.
This is the basic difference between the Sikh Teachings and
other systems. No one can intercede between the individual and his
Creator. Guru Nanak taught: “None can do a thing to help anyone,
nor is anyone potent to do it. Whatever He Himself does or causes
to be done, that alone comes to pass. He, whom He himself forgives,
is blessed with the Bliss and ever abides in the Name. If this body
be the earth and the Infinite Name the Seed, then man has trade
and dealings with the True Lord alone. Within him grows the True
Wealth and it does not exhaust and within him abides the Name”.
Man belongs to Infinite God and inherits from Him the Instinct
of Infinity. It is, therefore, ever the crave of greediness for acquisition
of more things and power found in man, as his mind is a bottomless
container, never to be satiated or filled, the Jact being that all these
created by God, have their limitations. This desire for infinitude
proves like fire, increases more and more with every addition of the
fuel. Worship of any material things or Prophets, A vtar, Saint, etc.
will never give peace of mind, as they all have limitations. Rather
such practices create prejudices and conflicts. Since the beginning
of time, people have been hating and fighting with each other on the
basis of their creeds, appearances, tribal and clan prejudices. The
most significant cause of the quarrel was their worship of particular
Prophets, Avtars, gods and goddesses, rigidity of beliefs in creeds,
dogmans and respective theeological beliefs. The people of different
types of beliefs in their religious leaders would debate and spread
hatred for each other. This Deadly Malady contimues to exist with
extreme ferocity in our contemporary life. The religion in general
has been made cruel and intolerant and the blood of innocent men,
women and children has been shed in the name of God and religion


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